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  • Writer's pictureProducer Yearsley


As the South West eases out of lockdown and we begin to welcome visitors back, we thought the time was right to update our film which showcases Devon and Cornwall as an ideal location for film and photography shoots.

We are so blessed in the South West to have a wealth of backdrops such as sandy beaches, rolling landscapes of moorland, clear waters and untouched gems in the countryside.  We’re also lucky to have a strong film-making community with film-friendly councils, accommodation and wider support. The South West has already been used in so many great films, TV programmes, commercials and print campaigns, and is often also used to emulate places abroad. With this year looking uncertain for many TV, film and photography productions, we hope the South West will be considered as a cost-effective alternative to filming overseas, bringing revenue to the region and The Fixstars can support with all production requirements; from permits, to finding talent & crew and organising logistics.

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